Find some magnetite iron ore suppliers for your steel business. BHP Billiton holds for 2013, in iron ore plans
Posted by Editor • 17 October 2012 • Print version
The economic slowdown in China, the Group's management does not seem too concerned.
With BHP Billiton confirmed one of the world's largest commodity groups its growth forecast for 2013 in the iron ore sector. You want despite the currently prevailing economic slowdown in China increase output in Western Australia next year by 5 percent, it means the part of the company on Wednesday. The world's number three of the iron ore industry also reports for the third quarter iron ore production of 39.7 million tons, up 3 percent from the second quarter of 2012, but one per cent higher than a year earlier.
In addition, BHP Billiton has submitted more production figures for the previous quarter. The production of crude oil division is with 660,000 Barreln at a record level, which is almost a fifth on the previous year. Copper production estimated at 273,900 tonnes of Giant Group, with which it has increased its production by 24 percent. The strong growth is, however, partly explained by the impact of a labor dispute in the third quarter of 2011. In addition, we have promoted in Chile higher copper mineralization reported BHP Billiton. At the same time, the company reported a 4-percent slip to 8.9 million tonnes of coking coal, while in the steam coal with 19.6 million tonnes 6 percent were promoted.
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